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              您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 >> 產(chǎn)品中心 >> 生化試劑、抗體、血清 >> 實驗耗材 >> 1450015 1450016BIO-RAD伯樂TC10 Counting slides細胞計數(shù)板

              BIO-RAD伯樂TC10 Counting slides細胞計數(shù)板

              • 更新時間:  2023-07-26
              • 產(chǎn)品型號:  1450015 1450016
              • 簡單描述
              • BIO-RAD伯樂TC10 Counting slides細胞計數(shù)板
                貨號:1450015 1450016

              BIO-RAD伯樂TC10 Counting slides細胞計數(shù)板

              Use the dual-chamber slides for fast, highly reproducible cell counts using the TC10 or TC20 automated cell counters.

              • Counting parameters – range 5 × 104 – 1 × 107 cells/ml and 6 – 50 μm cell diameter
              • Each chamber only requires 10 μl of suspended cells
              • Volume counted in each chamber is 0.4 μl (equivalent to four 1 x 1 mm squares of a manual hemocytometer)
              • Both chambers can be loaded prior to insertion
              • Chambers labeled A and B, with arrow next to chamber indicating direction of slide insertion
              • Can be used with or without trypan blue

              The counting slides are disposable polygon plastic with a dual chamber composed of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). Each slide is 75 × 25 × 1.8 mm (W x D x H) with a chamber depth of 100 μm.

              Packaging Options

              Number of dual chamber slides


              Catalog #
              5 x 303001450015
              10 x 306001450016
              20 x 301,2001450017
              30 x 301,8001450018
              40 x 302,4001450019
              80 x 304,8001450020


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