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              您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁(yè) >> 產(chǎn)品中心 >> 生化試劑、抗體、血清 >> 常規(guī)生化試劑 >> 04914058001羅氏ROCHE faststart universal probe master現(xiàn)貨

              羅氏ROCHE faststart universal probe master現(xiàn)貨

              • 更新時(shí)間:  2023-07-26
              • 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):  04914058001
              • 簡(jiǎn)單描述
              • 羅氏ROCHE faststart universal probe master現(xiàn)貨

              羅氏ROCHE faststart universal probe master現(xiàn)貨

              羅氏ROCHE faststart universal probe master現(xiàn)貨


              4673417001FastStart TaqMan Probe Master 10 x 1.25 ml (for 500 reactions of 50 µl final reaction volume)
              4673468001FastStart TaqMan Probe Master 10 x 1.25 ml (for 500 reactions of 50 µl final reaction volume)
              4914058001FastStart Universal Probe Mast10 x 5 ml (for 2,000 reactions of 50 µl final reaction volume)
              4914066001FastStart Universal Probe Mast1 x 50 ml (for 2,000 reactions of 50 µl final reaction volume)
              3622614001Deoxy-NTP Set, slt. PCR Grade 4 x 1,250 µl(125 µmol) (for 12,500 reactions at 50 µl final volume)
              3732681001dATP,PCR Grade Di-Na Solution 4 x 1,250 µl (4 x 125 µmol)
              3732690001dCTP,PCR Grade Di-Na Solution 4 x 1,250 µl (4 x 125 µmol)
              3732703001dGTP, PCR Grade4 x 1,250 µl (4 x 125 µmol)
              3732711001dTTP,PCR Grade Di-Na Solution 4 x 1,250 µl (4 x 125 µmol)
              3732720001dUTP,PCR Grade Di-Na Solution 4 x 1,250 µl (4 x 125 µmol)
              11828665001HP RNA Isolation Kit1 kit (50 reactions)
              12033674001HP RNA Tissue Kit1 kit (50 isolations)
              10127884001L-LDH, (rabbit muscle), 100 mg100 mg (10 ml)
              10127990001NAD, approx. 98%, lyo., 5 g5 g 
              3315932001Water,PCR Grade      (25x1ml)25 ml (25 x 1 ml)
              4738250001Expand HiFi PCR System dNTPack100 U 
              10109142001RNase A, 25 mg25 mg 
              11585371001Acetyl-CoA, 200mg200 mg 
              10708992001DTT, 50g50 g 
              11816586001Agarose MS                    100 g 
              5080576001High Pure miRNA Isolation Kit1 kit (50 isolations)
              11855476001Titan One Tube RT-PCR System(1100 reactions 
              4728882001Taq DNA Polymerase dNTPack 1001,000 U (4 x 250 U)
              3553361001FastStart High Fidelity PCR Sy2,500 U (10 x 250 U)
              10737046001GOT, 25 mg25 mg (2.5 ml)
              11858882001HP Viral RNA Kit1 kit (100 purifications)
              10109509001tRNA, from Baker's Yeast, 500 500 mg 
              10810126001CHAPS, 50g50 g 
              4738241001Taq DNA Polymerase (1u/ul)dNTP1,000 U (4 x 250 U)
              10171832001Aldehyde Dehydrogenase from Ye250 U 
              10621692001NADPH, approx. 98%, 500 mg500 mg 
              3115801001Proteinase K,recomb.,PCR Grd.l2 x 250 mg 
              11641786001Streptavidin Magnetic Particle10 ml 
              10102857001Amyloglucosidase from Aspergil100 mg (10 ml)
              11787896001mRNA Capture Kit1 kit (192 reactions)
              4738381001FastStart Taq DNA Pol. dNTPack1,000 U (4 x 250 U)
              10128058001NADP, approx. 98%, 1 g1 g 
              4340850001Pwo SuperYield DNA Polymerase 500 U (2 x 250 U)
              11093037001Chromozym t-PA20 mg 
              10703729001X-gal, 2.5g2.5 g 
              11666789001Buffers in a Box, premix PBS B4 l 
              10127647001Glucose-6-phosphate5 g 
              10127973001NAD, approx. 100%, Grade I, ly5 g 
              10197734001Glutamate Dehydrogenase (GlDH)3,000 U 
              11635379001Rapid DNA Ligation Kit1 kit (40 DNA ligation reactions)
              11383175001Free Fatty Acids, Half Micro Tapprox. 5 x 10 tests 
              10109541001tRNA, from E.coli MRE 600, 100100 mg 
              10621650001NAD, approx. 98%, lyo., 10 g10 g 
              11636090910PCR Dig Probe Synthesis   1pc1 kit (25 reactions)
              3732738001ddNTP Set, Sequencing Grade4 x 1 µmol (4 x 100 µl)
              10127914001L-MDH, (pig heart), 25 mg25 mg (5 ml)
              10737232001G6P-DH, Grade II, 25 mg25 mg (5 ml)
              12032937001FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase, 1,000 U (4 x 250 U)
              10127558001ADH, susp. 1g (34ml)1 g (34 ml)
              10837016001Formate Dehydrogenase, 250 u250 U 
              11636103001PCR Master1 kit (for 200 PCR reactions of 50 µl final reaction volume)
              11411446001Isopropyl-b-D-thiogalactoside 5 g 
              11666703001PREMIX 10XTBE BUF/WAS 100957 44 l 
              10128163001Pyruvate Kinase (PK), susp., 1100 mg (10 ml)
              4716728001DNase I recombinant, RNase-fre10,000 U (provided with incubation buffer)
              10737127001GPT, 25 mg25 mg (2.5 ml)
              11681834001Expand Long Templ.PCR Syst.   150 U 
              3115887001Proteinase K,recomb.,PCR Grd.S1.25 ml 
              10108987001Pyrophosphatase, Inorganic (PP1 mg (1 ml)
              10736619001Ascorbate Oxidase Spatula25 spatulas 
              10837059001Lysozyme10 g 
              10972983001T4 Gene 32 Protein, 100ug100 µg 
              11388983001Agarose MP, 100g100 g 
              11666681001Buffers in a Box, premix SSC B4 l 
              10775835001BSA Fraction V, Fatty Acid fre50 g 
              10101907001Acetyl-CoA, 50mg50 mg 
              4710444001FastStart PCR Master 10 ml8 x 1.25 ml (for 400 reactions of 50 µl final reaction volume)
              11732676001HP PCR Product Purification Ki1 kit (250 purifications)
              11754785001HP Plasmid Isolation Kit, 250 1 kit (250 purifications)
              10102121001Adenosine Deaminase (ADA), sus10 mg (1 ml)
              11119915001RNase, DNase-free500 µg (1 ml)
              11775367001Uracil-DNA Glycosylase,Heat-la100 U 
              10105589001GPT, 10 mg10 mg (1 ml)
              10621722001Creatine phosphate, 10g10 g 
              12011875001HP Viral Nucleic Acid Buffer S1 set (100 isolations)
              11775375001Uracil-DNA Glycosylase,Heat-la500 U 
              11785834001ExpandTM Reverse Transcriptase5,000 U (100 µl)
              10378445001Chromozym PK20 mg 
              10602400001Thrombin, from human plasma20 U 
              11581295001PCR Nucleotide Mix (200 react.200 µl (for 200 reactions of 50 µl final reaction volume)
              10107824001NADPH, approx. 98%, 100 mg100 mg 
              10109525001tRNA, from Brewer's Yeast, 500500 mg 
              10602361001Plasmin, from human plasma5 U (0.5 ml)
              10602370001Plasmin, from bovine plasma5 U (1 ml)
              11969013001dATP,PCR Grade Di-Na solution1,250 µl (125 µmol)
              11969021001dCTP,PCR Grade Di-Na solution1,250 µl (125 µmol)
              11969030001dGTP,PCR grade solution1,250 µl (125 µmol)
              11969048001dTTP, PCR Grade, 125 Ámol1,250 µl (125 µmol)
              11969056001dUTP, PCR Grade, 125 Ámol1,250 µl (125 µmol)
              10981249001Nitrate Reductase20 U 
              10128031001NADP, approx. 98%, 100 mg100 mg 
              12140306001GC RICH PCR System100 U 
              10621714001Creatine phosphate, 5g5 g 
              11202332001Amyloglucosidase, Lyo., SQ    500 U 
              3789403001Pwo Master2.5 ml (10 x 250 µl) (for 100 reactions of 50 µl final reaction volume)
              11080733001Universal Protease Substrate, 15 mg 
              4422694001High Pure 96 UF Cleanup Kit1 kit (2 x 96 purifications)
              10835269001Ampicillin, 50g50 g 
              10102105001Adenosine Deaminase (ADA), 10m10 mg (2 ml)
              11363905910DIG-11-ddUTP25 nmol (25 µl)
              11858874001HP Viral Nucleic Acid Kit1 kit (for up to 100 purifications)
              4743725001Expand HiFi PLUS PCR System dN125 U 
              10109134001RNase, 500 mg500 mg 
              101278330013-HBDH, Grade II10 mg (2 ml)
              11680293001X-gal, 100mg100 mg 
              11888382001Titan One Tube RT-PCR System (25 reactions 
              10662046001b-Galactose Dehydrogenase S50 U 
              10745782001DNA, Lambda1 ml (5 A260 units)
              4829034001Expand Long Range dNTPack 175 175 U (50 reactions)
              4536282001DNase I rec., grade I     20KU2 x 10,000 U 
              10127566001Creatine Kinase (CK), 100mg100 mg 
              10109517001tRNA, from Brewer's Yeast, 100100 mg 
              12032929001FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase, 500 U (2 x 250 U)
              10127671001G6P-DH, Grade II10 mg (2 ml)
              10106801001Kanamycin Sulfate5 g 
              11814320001Formamide500 ml 
              10109169001RNase A, 100 mg100 mg 
              10127531001ATP, disodium salt, 10g10 g 
              10105031001b-Galactosidase, 1500U1,500 U 
              11417967001SuRE/Cut Buffer B5 x 1 ml 
              11417991001SuRE/Cut Buffer H5 x 1 ml 
              10109045001Pyruvate Kinase (PK), sol., 1010 mg (1 ml)
              10107409001Mitomycin C2 mg 
              3115879001Proteinase K,recomb.,PCR Grd.l100 mg 
              10109193001RNase T1, 100 000 U100,000 U 
              10128155001Pyruvate Kinase (PK), susp., 110 mg (1 ml)
              10724815001Isopropyl-b-D-thiogalactoside 1 g 
              11074059001Collagenase H, 500mg500 mg 
              10104159001DNase I, Grade II100 mg 
              10708976001Tris1 kg 
              10127523001ATP, disodium salt, 5g5 g 
              11082035001SuRE/Cut Buffer Set for Restr.1 set 
              4883560001FUGENE HD TRIAL PACK1 trial pack 
              10693944001Restr.-Endonucl. Hae III, 50005,000 U (10 U/µl)
              12015200001Lumi-Light Western Blotting Su400 ml (4,000 cm2 membrane)
              11210238001DIG Glycan Differentiation Kit1 kit (5 x 5 blots, each 10 x 10 cm)
              11383213001NBT, Solution50 reactions (sample)
              5081955001Transcriptor HiFi cDNA Synth. 1 kit (50 reactions, including 10 control reactions)
              3115836001Proteinase K,recomb.,PCR Grd. 25 mg 
              11697471001NBT/BCIP Ready-to-Use Tablets20 tablets 
              10528552001DNA MW-Marker III50 µg (1 A260 unit)
              11164368001N-Acetyl-b-D-Glucosaminidase C3 x 1 ml 
              11496549001Fast Red,Tabl.20 tablets 
              10642711001DNA Polymerase I, Endonucl.-fr250 U 
              11721933001DNA MW-Marker XIV50 µg (1 A260 unit)
              11681451001NBT/BCIP Stock Solution8 ml 
              10709557001T4 Polynucleotide Kinase, 200 200 U 
              11218590910DNA Mol-weight Marker II,Digox5 µg (500 µl)
              11218603910DNA Mol-weightMarker III,Digox5 µg (500 µl)
              11034731001Primer,random2 mg (50 A260 units, 1 µmol)
              11603558001DIG Easy-Hyb                  500 ml 
              11721925001DNA MW-Marker XIII50 µg (1 A260 unit)
              11855638001DNA MW-Marker XVI50 µg (200 µl)


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